Battery farming is one of the most notoriously horrific industries yet so many of us continue to support the market instead of purchasing free-range. The well being of animals is being exploited due to our ongoing consumerism. It is a form of abuse and it needs to stop.
Caged-eggs are produced by hens which typically have about an A4 sheet of paper's space or even less and are cramped in cages with up to 20 other hens. There isn't enough space for them to move their wings and the chicken often loose their feathers from rubbing against the wire. This confinement leads to internal and external injuries and many unnecessary slow deaths. Often injuries are left unnoticed by farmers in a battery environment so hens endure the pain until they die. These chickens are also never exposed to sunshine and are fed unnatural foods. This doesn't only affect their overall quality of life but also their health as they are not getting adequate levels of nutrients.
Many cruel practices occur in the industry such as debeaking in which the beaks of chickens are cut to stop them from pecking each other. Battery farmers will try and argue that it is in the best interest of the hens as it stops them from being cannibalistic; however, a better resolution to prevent would be to improve living conditions so chickens have space and are not starving rather than amputate. Additionally, as male chicks are not useful for egg production they are killed by often horrifically inhumane means. There have been reports of male chicks being dumped in garbage bags to die with some still alive. It is just harrowing to think that these chickens are being abused so we can save a few cents when we bake a cake.
We hate to see humans, dogs and horses locked up in cages - why are our feathered-friends treated so differently? I urge everybody to take a step forward and make the switch to free range, although it is not perfect it is far superior to the conditions of battery farms. The more people make the switch, the more companies will need to change and less chickens will live a life of suffering. If you want to go a step further you can sign a petition, advocate in your community or even raise your own hens (like me - trust me, it's lots of fun!). Remember that your dollar is a vote on the life you want to create so use it wisely and let's end this horrible cruelty.