Monet's Garden is located in Giverny France and is an absolute must-see when you're in France. I went in Autumn and the flowers were absolutely spectacular but depending on which season you go in you may see a completely different garden. The gardens are quite large with colourful flowers scattered around in different hues. Unlike English gardens, Monet's Garden was not completely uniformed, colour-grouped and pruned giving the illusion that the flowers were growing almost as wildflowers.
Monet's house is a beautiful pastel pink with aqua shutters accenting the windows. The interior was gorgeous with colourful wall paper, copper pots and tonnes of paintings. There were chickens in a coop and a farm cat roaming around, further adding to the charm of the place. Although there were quite a lot of tourists, certain areas are blocked off so you can have an undisturbed view of the gardens. Monet's Garden was one of my top highlights in France and I highly recommend going to and see it. It is so special to see what Monet was painting, especially the water lily pond with the little aqua bridge.