These fruit-filled rice paper rolls are a super refreshing, fun and vegetarian-friendly spin on traditional Vietnamese rice paper rolls. They also look gorgeous when filled with a variety of colourful fruits and can be tailored to your taste-buds.
10 Rice Paper sheets
A selection of coarsely dice/sliced fruits
150g rice vermicelli noodles
Passion fruit (optional)

Boil the noodles as per the instructions on the packet and leave to cool
Coarsely chop/slice fruit
Fill a large bowl with water an soak a sheet of rice paper in it for 10-20 seconds or until flexible
Place soaked sheet flat on non-stick surface such as a granite bench top and fill centre of sheet with noodles and fruit
Roll carefully bringing the top and bottom to each other and then the sides together
Repeat steps 3-5 for more spring rolls
Dip in passion fruit as a sauce and enjoy
