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Fruity Rice Paper Rolls

These fruit-filled rice paper rolls are a super refreshing, fun and vegetarian-friendly spin on traditional Vietnamese rice paper rolls. They also look gorgeous when filled with a variety of colourful fruits and can be tailored to your taste-buds.


  • 10 Rice Paper sheets

  • A selection of coarsely dice/sliced fruits

  • 150g rice vermicelli noodles

  • Passion fruit (optional)


  1. Boil the noodles as per the instructions on the packet and leave to cool

  2. Coarsely chop/slice fruit

  3. Fill a large bowl with water an soak a sheet of rice paper in it for 10-20 seconds or until flexible

  4. Place soaked sheet flat on non-stick surface such as a granite bench top and fill centre of sheet with noodles and fruit

  5. Roll carefully bringing the top and bottom to each other and then the sides together

  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for more spring rolls

  7. Dip in passion fruit as a sauce and enjoy



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