Jun 16, 20183 min

A Mini Guide to Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are a great way to bring some greenery indoors. They're perfect for apartment living or adding some freshness into a space and they're super easy to look after once you get the hang of it. There are probably at least 15 different plants that I have in my home but I'll give you a quick guide to some of my favourites...

Monstera Deliciousa

After seeing this plant all over Pinterest I had to get one. Monsteras are a gorgeous indoor plant with huge, slit leaves. They can grow really big but can also be kept reasonably small if put in a small pot. Before purchasing one of these, shop around as they can range greatly in price depending on where you get them from. The one I own is from a local market and it cost around $30 but I have seen them for around $100 (depending on size too). Monsteras are quite a low maintenance plants when they have adequate sunlight and are thoroughly watered around once a week. The leaves can yellow or develop spots so keep and eye on it and remove any dead leaves. One thing to be wary of is that the leaves are poisonous to dogs so if you have a very greedy puppy you might like to keep it up high (the leaves don't drop).

String of Pearls

Without a doubt this succulent is my absolute favourite. String of Pearls grows long strings of green bubbles and when it flowers it apparently smells like cinnamon (although I am yet to experience this first-hand). I got this one for around $10 at a market although it is sold in typically smaller sizes at most nurseries. String of Pearls needs a lot of sunlight and only an occasional spray of water. A few months ago I nearly killed it by having it well away from a window and over-watering it but after giving it some TLC it made a comeback and it is now lovely and healthy on a windowsill. If the strings grow to long for the pot you can simply trim them as much as you wish.

Moon Cactus

Moon Cacti are probably one of the lowest maintenance indoor plants there is. The cactus grows a colourful head in red, orange, yellow or hot pink. They are super tiny and look great in a study or bedroom to add a little colour. They need quite a lot of sun and not much water. Moon cactus can be bought from most nurseries and I think the ones I have at home are from Bunnings and they're really cheap.

Terrarium Plants

There are so many different plants out there which are suitable to grow in terrariums. They're super fun to make and you can mix match a variety of plants and even put little miniatures in the jars such as little porcelain mushrooms. Terrariums need light but if you want to have a lo a good rotation system should work just fine. Open top terrariums (such as the one in the photo) need a good soak about once a week whereas closed top terrariums only need a spray once in a while as the precipitated water stays in the jar. Terrarium plants and the jars can vary greatly in price so its worthwhile shopping around. They can be bought pre-planted but they're often more expensive and planting it out yourself is a really fun, creative and satisfying process.

Where to Buy Indoor Plants

Indoor plants can be bought at nurseries, markets and some florists and home decor stores. Nurseries and markets tend to have cheaper options available although some speciality florists may have more unusual varieties.
